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C.1-4: Sustainable Canola Supply – Convergence of Genomics, Precision Agriculture, Integrated Pest Management and Ecosystem Services to Produce Healthy Oil and High Quality Protein (Canola)

Presented by Curtis Rempel - Email: rempelc@canolacouncil.org

"Projections by various agencies place demand for Canadian canola at 26 mmt in 2025 for its healthy composition of polyunsaturated long-chain and monounsaturated fats. Demand for high quality plant protein with high bioavailability will likely push demand for Canadian canola further. In order to meet this global demand, the CCC has a strategic plan to increase yields to 52 bu/ac (from 34 bu/ac), with increased profitability, sustainability and reduced production risk, by 2025. This strategic plan is anchored on 5 pillars. This yield increase has the added benefit of increasing atmospheric C utilization / sequestration. Profitable, “sustainable” canola yield intensification requires genetic advancement, prediction pest modelling, more efficient fertilizer utilization and increasing populations of beneficial insects, including predators, wild and natural pollinators via habitat promotion through conservation and restoration of wetlands, vegetative zones, enriched field margins and low-production field areas. Results from several research projects that focus on genomics, predictive pest modelling, 4 R nutrient management, valuation of ecosystem services on seed and oil yield and insect and avian diversity and abundance will be presented and discussed in the context of modern agriculture practices and “sustainable” yield intensification.
Session: Waterfowl Conservation & Agricultural Sustainability (Tuesday, August 27,15:30 to 16:50)